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Latest Bitcoin News / how can i withdraw or transfer my money from Bijora-btc
« Last post by administrator on September 20, 2020, 02:54:50 PM »
I have fed my account on Bijora-btc with money
What is the way to transfer the amount or withdraw it
Kindly assist
Latest Bitcoin News / Partner network
« Last post by administrator on September 20, 2020, 01:54:17 PM »
Dear colleagues working in the crypto industry,

I invite you to our partner network

I will be glad to all participants!

Latest Bitcoin News / Query Regarding Hardware Wallets
« Last post by administrator on September 20, 2020, 11:26:50 AM »
I'm looking to invest in a hardware wallet. Ledger and Trezor are all around the place. From what I understood about these - The wallets themselves will generate the private keys (HD wallets).

My question is - I have a few btc addresses with their private keys. Is there any Hardware wallet wherein I can just store these private keys of mine and authorize transactions instead of using new wallets generated by Ledger or Trezor???

I hope someone can help me out with this.

Thanks in advance.
Latest Bitcoin News / ¿Vale la pena trabajar con criptomonedas en 2020?
« Last post by administrator on September 20, 2020, 12:28:39 AM »
¿Debo plantearme invertir en criptomonedas?
Una criptomoneda es un tipo de moneda digital y sistema de pago que no depende de las redes de pago tradicionales a las que nos hemos acostumbrado. Las criptomonedas están descentralizadas. No son emitidos por una autoridad central, como un banco o un gobierno.

Las criptomonedas se basan en la tecnología blockchain, una red de computadoras completamente independiente del control centralizado que mantiene un registro de todas las transacciones del pasado y las que se llevarán a cabo en el futuro.

Invertir en criptomonedas es cada vez más popular cada año. Es una oportunidad de inversión global disponible para cualquier persona en cualquier parte del mundo. Son un instrumento altamente rentable, muy volátil y tienen un cierto factor de riesgo.

Las criptomonedas se están convirtiendo en un medio de pago aceptable en todo el mundo. La tecnología Blockchain es confiable, no puede ser falsificada, manipulada o cambiada.

Ninguna otra tecnología permite enviar dinero de una parte del mundo a otra sin un intermediario para llevar a cabo la transacción. Es el medio más económico para enviar dinero desde el punto A al punto B conocido hoy.

¡Tienes el control total de tu dinero! No se hacen preguntas. ¡Todo lo que necesitas es un ordenador o un teléfono móvil y puedes realizar transacciones con quien quieras cuando lo desees!

La velocidad es lo que diferencia a las criptomonedas de la banca tradicional. Si bien una transferencia bancaria a veces puede demorar hasta 2-3 días, una transacción de criptomoneda se liquida en unos minutos. Algunos se confirman en segundos.

Entonces, ¿qué más hace que las criptomonedas sean tan valiosas? Su oferta es limitada. Un suministro máximo significa la cantidad máxima de monedas que existirá para una determinada criptomoneda.

Pensemos en esto por un momento. ¿Cómo se crea el papel moneda que usamos todos los días? Lo imprimen los bancos centrales y los gobiernos cuando lo necesitan. Bitcoin no funciona de esa manera. No puede presionar un botón y crear más Bitcoins o agregar nuevas hojas de papel a la imprenta. Las criptomonedas son escasas. Cuanto menor es la cantidad de un activo importante que existe, más valioso se vuelve.

Bitcoin y muchas otras criptomonedas se crean mediante un método conocido como minería. La minería se refiere a resolver problemas matemáticos complejos que producen nuevos bitcoins.

¿Cuánto invertir en criptomonedas?
Cualquier persona que tenga acceso a un ordenador o un teléfono móvil puede invertir en criptomonedas. Todos pueden pagarlos.

Dependiendo de tu presupuesto y sus objetivos, puedes invertir tan poco como 1 euro o 1000 euros. No hay limitaciones para lo que puedes hacer. Las únicas limitaciones pueden establecerse mediante el intercambio en el que estás comprando tus criptomonedas. Especialmente para los jóvenes, las criptomonedas se consideran la forma más rápida de obtener riqueza.

Recuerda siempre invertir solo lo que puedes permitirte perder y diversificar tu cartera. «No pongas todos tus huevos en la misma cesta”, aconsejan los expertos en inversión.

Las criptomonedas y la tecnología Blockchain todavía están en sus primeras etapas y estos activos dominarán el mercado en unos pocos años. Nuestra generación ha tenido la oportunidad de invertir en el futuro de Internet. Hace 30 años, durante la era .com, muchos de nosotros no tuvimos la oportunidad de participar. ¿Tomaremos la decisión correcta ahora?

Consejos para invertir en criptomonedas
Si estás comenzando, es probable que estés ansioso por empezar a invertir en criptomonedas.  Pero no te apresures. Tómate un poco de tiempo para desarrollar una estrategia básica de comercio de criptomonedas.

¿Conoces los conceptos básicos de la tecnología blockchain y Bitcoin? ¿Sabes lo que significa el suministro circulante vs total? ¿Entiendes qué es la inflación? ¿Conoces intercambios, billeteras, claves privadas y claves públicas?

Si no puedes responder estas preguntas básicas, tendrás problemas a la hora de invertir en criptomonedas, así que tómate un tiempo para prepararte, es esencial.

Todos los días, los posibles inversores se pierden la inversión en criptomonedas porque no confían en cómo comenzar. Incluso los inversores experimentados pierden nuevas herramientas o criptomonedas que podrían generar ganancias significativas simplemente por no mantenerse activos.

¿Por qué? Porque tienen miedo de cometer errores. El primer paso es tomar medidas, así que no dudes en sumergirte de inmediato en este ámbito. La acción dará como resultado experiencia, y la experiencia dará como resultado una mejor toma de decisiones. De hecho, la experiencia se trata de aprender de los errores que cometes.

Lo que hace que Bitcoin y muchas criptomonedas sean innovadoras es su tecnología subyacente. Pero si no comprendes los fundamentos de la tecnología, el camino será algo arriesgado.

Ahora que has tomado medidas, tómate tu tiempo y encuentra el intercambio adecuado de criptomonedas con las mejores tarifas. Cuando un inversor comienza a invertir en criptomonedas, se hacen muchas operaciones al día con la esperanza de obtener pequeñas ganancias. Las ganancias son positivas aunque sean bajas al principio, tenlo en cuenta.

Y recuerda la regla número 1 a la hora de invertir; no inviertas más de lo que puedes permitirte perder.
Throughout this one decade since Bitcoin's genesis, cryptocurrencies have advanced to a point where we now have a general idea of what makes Bitcoin better than other cryptocurrencies, why we need certain functions to be added to Bitcoin and so on.

One particular concern I have been confronting for a while now is how improving privacy through Bitcoin may change the King of cryptocurrencies forever - and it may actually be for the worse.

To be fair, I am heavily obsessed with privacy and a lot of members out here probably already know it. I have a lot of respect for those who fight for their own right to be anonymous and to have the wanted level of anonymity without being considered a criminal by anyone else. So props to o_e_l_e_o, LoyceV and all the other users who've taught me a lot of stuff about this. You've helped me turn it into an obsession.

Today we are slowly disrupting the equilibrum between pseudonymity and anonymity to the point where anonymity takes the lead. With that being said, by taking a look over both what's getting ready for the next Bitcoin updates and what we already have, we can see that the list of things that give you more privacy through Bitcoin increased significantly throughout the years: mixers, Schnorr signatures, Bisq, atomic swaps etc. Someone who has the necessary knowledge could actually be almost entirely under the invisible cloak while using Bitcoin. In my opinion, at a first glance, it looks great.

Lately, we have seen so much support from so many governments it simply feels like they want Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to exist. At a first glance, once again, it looks great. But have you ever wondered why they are not so hostile anymore?

Could it be because they already have the necessary tools to properly analyze BTC's blockchain so well they aren't afraid of decentralization anymore? Maybe. Let's follow up this scenario.

Monero is a cryptocurrency focused mostly on privacy. In my opinion, it is the perfect opportunity for us to see and find out what the future may hold for Bitcoin as soon as we start taking the privacy & anonymity road.

Firstly, the masses have been manipulated through mainstream media to believe that Monero represents the heaven for criminals - some kind of safehouse to protect themselves against authorities. This is what all of my friends who've ever heard of Monero thought it is.

Secondly, throughout the years, so many companies and authorities have turned hostile against Monero. In 2020, we have seen in my opinion the strongest push against it. Here are some of the delistings from this year:
     - Bithumb Under Pressure to Delist Monero as Nth Room Ire Continues
     - Monero (XMR), ZCash (ZEC), Bytecoin (BCN) to Be Delisted From Australian Exchanges: Analyzing Reasons Behind Delisting
     - Huobi Korea delists Monero, piling pressure on Bithumb

And there's more. Some people go through worse stuff than simple delistings, such as this Reddit user who's had his XMR seized. Only recently, the US authorities have begun to desperately look for a way to track Monero. An article talking about XMR being tracked by the US Homeland Security has mentioned one very important thing to take into account:
Created at the request of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), CipherTrace said the tool would be beneficial for the privacy coin for, among other things, getting listed again in exchanges that delisted XMR.

This is alarming in my opinion. I think I have enough brain to understand that they are basically saying Monero needs to not be Monero anymore in order to be accepted. The thing is, people do not understand that this is what is going on with Bitcoin right now. Through regulations, centralized parties, non-trustless transactions and tracing capabilities, we are using Bitcoin the way they want us to.

Now that we know how Monero is seen from the government's perspective, we have an idea about the way privacy is treated nowadays by them. Users of coin mixers, the tools that make blockchain analysis painful to whoever wants to try it, have also started to be considered as enemies to a growing number of exchanges.

In consequence, we have seen that attempts of improving Bitcoin's privacy are starting to turn some companies hostile against users who are trying to be more private. So now, let's take it the Monero way. The result is, by improving BTC's privacy aspects, we are going to likely turn hostility's power on.

Are the possible costs of inclining the equilibrum of pseudonymity and anonymity more towards the latter worth them? How do we value which is better between a more private Bitcoin that leads to hostility and a less private Bitcoin that is "adopted" more than ever before thanks to the government's abilities of analyzing the entire blockchain history?
Latest Bitcoin News / Why has no-one done a crypto Ebay?
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 08:20:10 PM »
I'm sick of the fees on Ebay it's become totally unprofitable for some items due to the massive fees. I use Facebook marketplace but that's more for local sales.

With crypto Ebay you could have near zero fees and have a decentralized marketplace model. I know there are things on TOR etc, but I just wouldn't trust it tbh..
Latest Bitcoin News / Someone heard or know about this bitcoin website?
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 05:36:22 PM »
I started using,And it just says to me "Protection from bots, Your new account is temporarily restricted in withdrawal, deposit 0.12 btc so your account will be activated"
something like that.
now I wanna know if its a scam or is it legit site?
thank you
Latest Bitcoin News / Is it possible for Bitcoin to fall and become worthless?
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 02:48:52 PM »

Bitcoin yes or no

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency have been on the rise for most of their period, reaching a record low of $ 20,000 per BTC‌ in less than a decade. Although the Cryptocurrencys is currently trading at half its maximum record price, it is one of the largest active currencies in the world and has become one of the most profitable assets of all time in a short period of time.

Despite this steady growth and the unbelievable numbers, bitcoins and critics of Bitcoin have always argued that sooner or later it will decline and become worthless forever after a heavy fall. For example, Calvin Ayre, a supporter of the BCH project, recently tweeted that Bitcoin was "completely worthless," while Warren Buffett, one of America's most well-known successful investors, repeatedly stated that all available cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin too) are worthless.

But is there really an event that causes the entire value of Bitcoin to be lost and its price to be zero?  

The answer to this question is yes, and that there are many events that will eventually lead to the devaluation of bitcoin.

Yale University economists Yukun Liu and Aleh Tsyvinski have published a report titled "Risks and Profitability of Cryptocurrencies" in 2018, examining the possibility of bitcoin falling in just 24 hours.

Using bitcoin profitability charts to look at and calculate the probability of a major catastrophe that would ultimately reduce the value of the cryptocurrency, the two economists concluded that the probability of a catastrophe occurring and bitcoin falling was something between "zero." Up to 1.3%. At the time of writing, they explained that the figure was about 0.4 percent. To better understand this number, he also noted that the probability of the euro falling and depreciating to zero is about 0.0009%.

Some believe that the Bitcoin cryptocurrency will eventually fall to zero dollars because it has no intrinsic value. However, although bitcoin has no intrinsic value, it is supported by customer trust and sophisticated mathematical calculations. This approach is somewhat similar to the US dollar, currencies that were previously backed by gold and are now only supported by the government (while some believe that the US dollar is supported only by "government debt").

A similar event

A similar phenomenon occurred recently, when the Bank of India (RBI) announced in November 2016 that the counterfeit 500 and 1,000 ruble banknotes were no longer valid due to their proliferation and increase. Although these banknotes can no longer be used as a common currency in India, their value is still preserved as a work of art or souvenir.

What is your opinion about the proposed scenarios? Is it possible for Bitcoin to fall to zero or be replaced by another Cryptocurrency?
Latest Bitcoin News / Bitcoin and Lockdown in every country
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 05:57:42 AM »

In India bitcoin trading is flourishing during the lockdown. During the lockdown, growth of bitcoin trading has peaked high from around $2m to $22m within the time period of January 2020 to May 2020. This is something a 830% growth. This too a reason for the plan of India to ban cryptocurrency trading.

Same time period Mumbai based trading Cryptocurrency exchange have recorded massive growth of over 400% in March and 270% in April. This is something very big in a country where it hasn't got any legal support.

Indian government made a ban over cryptocurrencies during the year 2018, but people continued to use it. Lately it decided to come up with of launching its own cryptocurrency through blockchain. This means to make use of the blockchain technology and not the cryptocurrency trading. As a result banks stopped services associated with cryptocurrencies. Lately in the year 2020 filing lawsuit cryptocurrency usage ban was taken. Now once again planning for a ban.

It is always good to regulate the usage of cryptocurrencies and trading same as Singapore, China and South Korea. Government loses a big revenue out of cryptocurrency trading and through regulatory framework this can be solved. Right now consultation is going on with the law ministry and ministry of information technology to make laws for cryptocurrency.

Note : I've mentioned about my country, INDIA
            WHAT ABOUT YOURS ?

Source :  Money Control
Latest Bitcoin News / Cryptocurrency
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 03:27:15 AM »
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